Monday, July 18, 2011

GPS Reviews - How to Find Them

The very best GPS reviews are written by owners of GPS units. The owners have used the GPS for some time. They know what is good and what is bad with it.

Many GPS reviews are written by someone who is evaluating the GPS, but has not "lived" with it. Several weeks of using a GPS everyday as an owner makes a person much more qualified to write a GPS review than someone who does a quick review and then goes on to review the next GPS.

The best customer reviews are found on Amazon pioneered the concept of customer reviews, and has led the way in posting customer reviews ever since.

Virtually every GPS sold on Amazon has reviews. The link to the reviews is found just under the GPS name at the top of the product page. The link is formatted "(NN customer reviews)" where the NN will be the number of times the particular GPS has been reviewed. It is just to the right of the yellow stars which indicate the average customer review. Some GPS have only a few reviews where the Garmin Nuvi 350 had 3,104 at the time of writing this article.

Let's take an example. Go to Click on the left drop down search input box and select "Electronics". In the right search input box, enter "Garmin Nuvi 760". Click the orange "GO" button to the right of the search input boxes. This will bring up the product page for the Nuvi 760.

Click the customer review link to the right of the yellow stars and go to the Customer Reviews page for the Nuvi 760 to get some very helpful information:

o A breakdown of how many reviews received one through five stars

o The average number of stars for all reviews

o How many reviews are on Amazon for the GPS

o The most helpful favorable review

o The most helpful critical review

o Sort functions to sort reviews by Most Helpful First or Newest First

o Selection of reviews by the number of stars.

From the reviews, you will learn the pros and cons of each GPS as shared by the GPS owners. has a web page with pictures and instructions that show how to find the GPS reviews that you are looking for. See the Resource Box below for the link to the GPS reviews page.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. His degree in physics makes him curious about how things work and he was naturally fascinated with early GPS units and has followed their development.

His website,, helps readers identify the best GPS units and shows how to find the Best GPS Reviews at

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